Sunday, April 26, 2009

Badminton Racket Companies

The main player in the badminton world is Yonex. They are without doubt the most successful and biggest company out there. They dominate the far eastern market, and also the western market, so their reach is truly global. They make the largest amounts of badminton rackets, and also sponsor most of the top players, although recently there has been a small change in this, with a few more countries and their best players using different brands.

Yonex rackets are considered to be the best, with the most innovative technology in them. Yonex usually leads the way with new technologies, and their ranges offer something for every kind of player. The only drawback is the price. Yonex rackets are the most expensive around because they sell very well, and the durability and consistency is top notch, although some may disagree. Because Yonex do so well, it is very difficult to find discounts on their stuff, they hold their prices due to the demand.

Another major company in the badminton world are Carlton, who have a long standing reputation for making quality rackets going back many years. They are a bit cheaper than Yonex, but many players swear by them, and there is only a small difference in playability between the two, with many people believing Carlton rackets are just as good as Yonex. The difference is that Carlton do not have anywhere near the market share that Yonex does, especially in the far east, where millions of people play badminton, and so there is a huge market to satisfy.

The big American companies like Wilson, Head and Prince also sell badminton rackets, and have a strong repututation mainly from their tennis and squash backgrounds. Only fairly recently have they really begun pushing their badminton rackets, especially Head, who are now targeting the UK market by sponsoring a few of the best England players. The rackets from these manufacturers all have their own unique designs and technology, and they spend huge amounts of money on research and development. The problem is they are starting from a long way behind Yonex, and it takes time to build trust and confidence in the brand. However, the rackets are very well made and are certainly an option to look for besides Yonex.

There are many other smaller companies out there that offer fantastic value for money. Companies such as Apacs, Victor, Browning, SOTX, Inflight, Karakal to name just a few. Again, the choice is very large and the racket ranges all offer something a bit different to the rest, and every style of player is catered for, you just need to know what you are looking for when you buy. You can spend a lot of money on a badminton racket and then find it just does not suit your game. If this happens then it very unlikely you will be able to return it, and you will end up stuck with it unless you can sell it.

Get to know your game, and get to know the different technology that these rackets are made from, along with the balance and weight, this will help you decide which racket is best for you when the time comes to purchase a new racquet. But most of all, get to know your own game, this will help you even more, and then you can fit the right racket to your style and gain the maximum benefit from your badminton racket.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Badminton Racket fundamentals

Badminton rackets come in all shapes and sizes, with different weights, balance and technology. This can be a little bit confusing when you decide which badminton racket may be best for you. The choices out there are huge, and all the racquet manufacturers have their own unique selling points, and their own unique technology. The hardest part is choosing the correct badminton racket that suits your style of play. Luckily, the basic parts of a racket are very similar, so at least there is a starting point.

All rackets have a head, a shaft and a handle. The head can be normal shape, much like an egg shape, also known as a "classic" head shape. There is also the isometric head shape, and these rackets have a more square shape head, usually at the top of the head. There are other designs, but these two are by far the most popular and common types of head shape.

The shaft is the part of the racket that connects the head to the handle. The main point to note here is that shafts come in different lengths and widths, but they all do the same job. The handle is what you hold onto, hopefully! Again, there are different sizes of handle, depending on the size of your hands, and you can specify the grip width of your badminton racket if you wish.

Of course to play badminton you need strings in your racket, and a grip on the handle, although some players don't even use an overgrip, the choice is yours. These are the fundamental parts of the racquet, and the next post will cover the essential things you need to start playing badminton.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Badminton Racket Guide

Hello and welcome to the badminton racket guide. On this blog you will find information and handy hints about badminton rackets. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at